Independent Australia: Albanese Government hits the restart button on NBN

“After a decade of inaction by the Coalition, Labor is set to put the NBN back on track….

The overarching policy at that stage was to build an NBN that would benefit Australian society and the economy. The focus was on families, communities and businesses — 94 per cent of the population would be linked to a first-class fibre-to-the-home network. This would provide people across Australia, in cities, towns and most rural areas with the same level of quality broadband….”


Will Labor rebuild Australia’s shameful travesty of fraudband aka the National Broadband Network so it actually does what it says on the tin?

Only time will tell.


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  • Independent AustraliaAlbanese Government hits the restart button on NBN

Pearls and Irritations: NBN write-down confirms its national importance and Coalition failure – Commentary

The previous Coalition Government under the Minister for Communication Malcolm Turnbull promised: ‘a cheaper, good quality NBN, faster delivered’. It failed on all counts.

However, since it became clear that his government was unable to deliver on this promise, I knew that eventually something had to give. Instead of costing $25 billion as Mr Turnbull promised, the costs are now rapidly moving towards $60 billion. Under government policy, all of these costs had to be absorbed by the NBN company in the prices it charged to its retail customers.


Australia’s National Broadband Network aka “fraudband” has been an unmitigated disaster since the former Liberal-National Party aka LNP coalition federal government took over from the Australian Labor Party aka ALP that had planned for the NBN to be one of the finest and most affordable in the world.

Actually, in our experience, “unmitigated disaster” is putting too pleasant a gloss upon it.

It’s far worse than that.

It has wrecked the capability of this nation and its workers to do their job, to innovate and to earn from foreign clients and the wreckers aka the LNP proved themselves to be traitors to all of us here in Australia.

Malcolm Turnbull awarded himself the very best and fastest NBN service to his private residence while the rest of us are forced to put up with sheer dreck.

The Guardian: Australian rental homes colder and more damp than WHO safety standards – Commentary

“… Australian rental homes are colder and more damp than is considered safe by the World Health Organization, with homes in New South Wales so humid as to promote mould growth, a new report has found….

The WHO considers 18C as a “safe and well-balanced indoor temperature to protect the health of general populations during cold seasons” in temperate or colder climates….

Joel Dignam, the executive director of Better Renting, said taken together, the reports show just how substandard Australian dwellings are, no matter the weather.

“There are a lot of rentals that are too hot in summer and too cold in winter, and you barely get a reprieve,” Dignam said. “It’s a sense of fighting against your own home.”…”

Scenes from our local suburbs on a rare sunny winter’s day


The problem with rental accommodation in Australia is just the tip of the iceberg.

The problem is systemic and exists throughout all Australian apartments, houses, shopping centres, restaurants, offices and other commercial buildings whether they are rented, leased or owned.

If all the unfit-for-purpose and substandard-at-any-cost buildings in this cluster of wealthy suburbs in Sydney’s upper north shore suddenly vanished, there’d be few decent buildings left standing.

We need a Royal Commission into this right now followed by real action.

The question has to be asked: who benefits?

Meanwhile consider that these houses are the ones where office workers are working from home, where their children are doing their homework and where all of us are living in extremes of hot and cold, damp, mould, allergens and building material toxins and outgassing.


iTWire: Rebuild of NBN inevitable, say Patton and IA

“NBN Co has effectively admitted what Internet Australia has been telling the government for some time now. When the rollout is completed in 2020 much of it will need to be rebuilt because it will be out of date,” Patton says.