Panasonic, Where Is Daniel Berehulak?

One of the most important things for me at least when deciding what photography and video production hardware in which to invest the hard-earned readies, as they say, is seeing which professionals rely upon them for their daily work. 

If it works for them then it surely will work for me.

That was the case with a number of celebrated male photojournalists, for example, just after I got back into documentary photography with digital cameras in the 2000s through the 2010s.

That was the era when far too few women were being signed up as brand ambassadors, when it was even worse than it is today and today things are still not great for equity in female inclusion and that of other so-called diversities.

The photojournalists in question then were the Australian Daniel Berehulak (Panasonic), David Burnett (Panasonic before he turned to Sony), and Magnum photographers Ian Berry and Thomas Dworzak (both Panasonic).

There was another Magnum photojournalist (Fujifilm) whose name shall not be uttered here as he is the centre of a sexual harassment scandal against female colleagues.

I seem to remember too that before the X-Pro2 came out, a photograph made by another Magnum photojournalist whose name I can’t recall right now was circulated.

That image was made with the disappointing Fujinon XF 18mm f/2.0 R pancake lens, often praised as “quirky” by fans.

The X-Pro2 and 18mm seemed like a sensible focal length and camera combination for documentary photography and photojournalism and it still will be if Fujifilm sees fit to redesign the 18mm f/2.0 R pancake lens into an 18mm f/2.0 R LM WR Fujicron lens and releases it with the X-Pro4, hopefully due out not too much later this year, 2023.

Back to the impressive Australian expatriate Daniel Berehulak.

As Mr Berehulak seemed to be going great with Panasonic’s first generation Lumix S 35mm sensor cameras after years of relying on their Micro Four Thirds cameras, it is surely a no-brainer that he be re-equipped with the Lumix S5 II and S5 IIX and appear in Panasonic’s marketing materials and especially its press packs.

Panasonic, where is Daniel Berehulak?
