Room Up Front: A Canadian Photojournalism Mentorship for Black, Indigenous, and People of Colour – Commentary

“This new pilot program is founded by Canadian photojournalists from the Black, Indigenous and People of Colour communities who see the need for diversity in our news gathering. Our allies include Canadian Journalists of Colour, The Globe and Mail and The Narwhal.

The goal of this program is to offer mentorship opportunities for Black, Indigenous, and People of Colour (BIPOC) who are passionate about photojournalism and visual storytelling. BIPOC industry professionals along with allies will help guide those interested in pursuing their own goals and becoming established visual storytellers for their community and the Canadian media industry. People with diverse experiences and ways of seeing can only help strengthen our newsrooms and ensure the stories Canadians see are as diverse as the lives they lead.”


Apologies for publishing this post after the deadline for applications has passed but I only came across this excellent program just now.

Applications are Now Closed.
We will not be processing anymore applications for this program year.

Deadline for applications to the 2022-2023 program is April 15, 2022 at 6pm EST. Program starts May 2, 2022.

Use this form so we can see how best to help. The form is just to get to know you and find out where you are in your photography….”

Perhaps you may wish to keep an eye on the next applications deadline and be well prepared in advance.

I throughly support the concept of affirmative action when it comes to equity, diversity and inclusion in the media and applaud the people behind Room Up Front and the other Canadian organizations listed below.

The mainstream and independent media, whether in print, online or both, are far too much in the hands of white men of a certain background, everywhere.

Gatekeeping into the media in all its forms remains rife.

All forms of media must be staffed by a diverse range of workers from all so-called “minority” backgrounds including BIPOC and way beyond and if that notion upsets those who currently dominate the media then too bloody bad.

They’ve had their monopoly long enough.
