The Observer: Who was Muriel Box, Britain’s most prolific female film director? – Commentary

“Muriel Box: it was not until her mid-40s that she got to direct her first feature….

She was also the first woman to win an Oscar for best original screenplay. Now a new radio documentary aims to give her pioneering work a fresh appraisal…”


We’ve been researching the British film industry and how people from s0-called minority backgrounds may have been able to establish careers within it as background to the ongoing research and writing we’ve been doing on the late, great Australian cinematographer Robert Krasker.

We were overjoyed to come across this article in The Observer newspaper, published on The Guardian website this weekend, about another almost completely forgotten talent, the screenwriter and director Muriel Box.

We’re looking forward to the radio documentary on Muriel Box by Carol Morley to be broadcast on BBC Radio 3 this coming Sunday 26th February 2023 and to learning more about Muriel Box and her achievements.
