DxO PhotoLab Elite 6.3 Now Supports Fuijfilm X-H2S, X-H2 & X-T5 with Support for Panasonic Lumix S5II Coming in March 2023


Our favourite raw image file processing software DxO PhotoLab Elite has now gained the ability to support .RAF files from Fuijfilm’s X-H2S, X-H2 and X-T5 APS-C cameras and support for Panasonic’s Lumix S5II is coming in March 2023. 

At the moment, in mid-February 2023, we’re still waiting for the DeepPRIME XD demosaicing and denoising function to support Fujifilm X-Trans raw files but Fujifilm Bayer raw files from the original Fujifilm Finepix X100 are supported as well as, we believe, Bayer raw files from Fujifilm GFX cameras. 

We took one of our oldest Panasonic Lumix camera and lens combinations out for a walk today – a Lumix GH4 and Lumix G Vario 12-32mm f/3.5-5.6 Aspheric Mega OIS standard zoom lens – and it worked fine when minimally processed in the current latest version of DxO PhotoLab Elite. 

Lumix GH4 and Lumix G Vario 12-32mm f/3.5-5.6 Aspheric Mega OIS Bayer raw file in DxO PhotoLab Elite 6.3

We’re not street photographers but this image is an apt document of aspects of life in this cluster of suburbs where Edward Hopper’s paintings of American urban living can be an appropriate comparison.

One of the many things we love about DxO PhotoLab and its companions-cum-plugins DxO FilmPack and DxO ViewPoint is that these applications inject new life into old digital images even when made with lower specced cameras and lenses.

On another note, as soon as DeepPRIME XD for Fujifilm X-Trans comes to DxO PhotoLab then we’ll be shouting it from the rooftops.


  • B&H Affiliate Link – click here to research and purchase or pre-order your choice of cameras, lenses and accessories for stills photography and video production whatever your genre and subject matter.
  • DxODxO PhotoLab
  • DxOSupported Cameras & Lenses – At the time of writing in mid-February 2023, DxO PhotoLab Elite 6.3 supports Fujifilm X-H2, X-H2S and X-T5 and Panasonic Lumix GH6 with support for the Panasonic Lumix S5II coming in March 2023.
  • DxO ForumsDxO Software – New Cameras & Lenses support – 8th February 2023 update.
  • WikipediaEdward Hopper